How to show interest in the conversation?


Manifestation of interest in what they talk - this is an important part of polite conversation. The easiest way to show your interest to the conversation, using phrases like:

- Oh ...
- Really?
- I see.
- Great.
- Right.

But I think that's not enough. What do you think? Do you have any tips on how to keep the conversation going?

I must confess that it very annoying me.

I sure that "skill of listening" is not like on it what you written. It is simple addition water in conversation. IMHO

- Indeed.
- Exactly so.
- Sure.
- Of course.
- You're right.
- That's true.
- oh yeah..
- Certainly!
- I think so.
- I know.
- Wonderful!
- Sounds great (OK, interesting etc.)
- Unbelievable!
- Oh, no!
- Wow!
- Awful!
- Sorry/nice to hear that!
- You're kidding!
- And?
- What next?
- What else?

No doubt.

General questions like Do you? / Did he? / Should we? etc.
Negative sentences like No, you don't! etc.
I bet you can / do etc.
No way!
Oh, my God!
Oh man!
It's beautiful!
How sweet!
Excuse me?
I beg your pardon?
Not exactly.
(You) Sure?
No kidding?
As if I would.
I don't think so.
I guess so.
You don't say so!
I don't believe.
Oh, please!
Why not?
What can I say?
What makes you say that?
What are you talking about?
I wish I could.
I should have known.
How should I know?
I know how you feel.
How come?

Don't give me this shit!
Holy shit! Holy smokes!
It sucks!


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